“Do you have time for a drink?” Mario asked. “There’s a nice little bar I hang out at sometimes, and before you say anything, they do serve non-alcoholic stuff like sodas and Virgin Marys.”
Derek laughed. “I’ll stick to soda, and sure. Anything’s better than going back to roach haven.”
“Ugh. That bad?”
“Well…maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but let me tell you, it’s far from heaven.”
They drove in silence the rest of the way to the bar, Mario deep in thought from what Derek could tell. When they got out of the car, Mario led the way inside. It was a dimly lit place with music playing quietly in the background. As they walked to one side of the room, Mario stopped twice to talk to people Derek figured were friends of his, so he hung back, checking out the rest of the place. The decorations were minimal, just a few beer and wine posters on the walls, and a long bar sat along one wall with a well-stocked back-bar.