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Chapter 31

“Hmm.” Brett stuck his hands in his pants pockets to keep from running one hand over the swell of Rylan’s ass. “No booze.”

Rylan shivered beside Brett and swallowed hard. “Yes, sir.”

There was a nice buffet and plenty of non-alcoholic beverages. They each grabbed a plate and tall glasses with lemon water before circulating among the guests. A band played and many couples danced, but Brett and Rylan found a table and stayed to the side.

“See anyone you recognize?”

Rylan chuckled. “Yeah, lots. But no one from the other night at the club.”

“Me either,” Brett grumbled.

“We should go back for another check.” Rylan gave Brett’s side a poke with his thumb.

“Yes, that’s a good idea.” Brett took a sip of his drink and gazed over the glass rim at Rylan.