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Chapter 33

“For what?”

“Didn’t we withhold evidence or something?”

Brett shook his head. “I don’t think so. And if we do get sent to the big house, don’t worry, I’ll make sure all the other guys know you’re mine.” Rylan glared then threw one of the shirts at Brett. Laughing, Brett snatched it out of the air and threw it back. “You look good in green, wear this one.” He moved closer and reached around Rylan, pulling one of his button-down shirts from the closet. “Don’t worry so much. We didn’t do anything wrong and I’m sure Detective Swift will understand why neither of us said anything about the club. She’ll probably be cranky and give us a lecture.”

“Kathryn will be pissed if I get arrested,” Rylan grumbled as he dressed.

“Now that I’d be worried about.” Brett finished putting on shirt and jeans and was sitting on the bedtying boot laces. He looked up at Rylan and grinned wickedly. “Maybe later you’d like to know what I’d planned for last night?”