When they arrived the place was deserted, other than one of the therapists. “Your brace is here. Lemme go grab it and we’ll get it on you.” He hurried through one of the doors marked employees only. Jack bid them good-bye, promising to return in an hour to get them back to Rylan’s room. Brett turned one way, then the other to look over the equipment. There was a walkway with bars on either side to help support Rylan while he walked, or more to the point, hobbled.
Brett motioned to the parallel bars and caught Rylan’s eye. Bobbing his eyebrows, he said, “We can do a lot of things with something like this.” He sighed dramatically. “I should have told Gloria to order two.”
Rylan didn’t have a chance to respond. The therapist returned with the leg and knee brace Rylan would be wearing while the bones of his leg knitted. He made some adjustments then showed Rylan and Brett how to fit the brace.