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Chapter 67

That did it, Brett’s sort of hard-on turned into a full-fledged boner. He swallowed—it was more like a spasm—and took a few deep breaths. Sliding one arm around Rylan’s waist he pulled Rylan against him with enough force Rylan was thrown off balance and stumbled closer.

“Hmm…sorry,” Brett murmured and wrapped his other arm around Rylan’s shoulders, angling his hand to cup Rylan’s head.

Rylan blew out a soft breath that felt like a warm feather against Brett’s skin. A tremor ripped through Brett and Rylan chuckled. “It’s been too long.”

Brett glanced down at Rylan’s right leg. “What about your knee, before you had…there was…” He didn’t know exactly how to ask without dampening Rylan’s mood. Right now, he was concerned with taking good moods from Rylan when he could get them and devising ways to make his times of depression decrease. At this particular moment, he had some excellent ideas on how to accomplish his goals.