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Chapter 77

Rylan saw Brett with Jim and Ed making their way back to the table.

“I think you’re going to love what Ed and Collin, he’s the owner, devised,” Brett said and sat down.

The music playing switched to something slower again. Rylan reached over and took Brett’s hand. “I didn’t expect the dancing. I was shocked, that’s all. Are you still interested?”

Brett’s face lit up with a smile that make the corners of his eyes crinkle. “Sure!” He stood up and gripped the back of Rylan’s chair, helping him scoot away from the table far enough to stand.

Rylan’s cane was left hung on the back of his chair and Brett’s hand on his arm steadied him while he found his balance. As they walked to the dance floor Rylan glanced around the restaurant. No one was watching, or pointing or even paying attention to them. A few deep breaths and Rylan relaxed.