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Chapter 79

After about ten minutes Row trotted back to the door. Even though Rylan was standing right there, Row still barked until the door was open far enough for him to get back into the house. That made Rylan smile.

Row sat in front of him and barked again.


Another bark. This time some tail wagging was added to the performance. Rylan shook his head and made his way to the cabinet where, among other things, a bag of treats for Row was kept. Row followed him and stood waiting, somewhat impatiently Rylan thought, while a treat was fished out and handed over.

“You know no one gives me a treat every time something comes out of my dick.”

Row barked and Rylan tossed him another treat. He began wandering around the room, straightening it, talking to Row as he went.

“No matter how hard I try, it seems I take a step forward and then go two back. Maybe one sideways. Brett’s probably going to toss me out on my ass and frankly I wouldn’t blame him.”