“I’m not afraid,” he repeated. “Tonight, you’re going to come home with me. I live in a complex with good security. Just anyone can’t get in.”
Juan twisted his hands together. “No. That would not be right. I will go home to my uncle’s as usual.”
“Do you want to put your uncle and his family at risk? That’s stupid! Some of those hoods will be watching. You know there weren’t just the two. If you go with me, they’ll know you aren’t at his place. They won’t need to threaten him or his family.”
New distress flared in Juan’s expressive face. He clearly had not fully realized others might be at hazard. “No, I will go instead to the YMCA or to the church for tonight. Even these cabrones malos would not go there. At least I do not think they would.”
Troy decided he’d appear to capitulate. “Okay. Let me have my tacos then. I need to get back to my office. My lunch hour is nearly over.”