When he got close enough to see the stand, he put on a final burst of speed. Another big, rough-looking Latino had Burrito Belle in one fist. In the other, he grasped the leash with which Juan clipped her to one of the corner posts. With a final jerk, the man tore the leash free. Then Juan grabbed the bright pink strap in both hands, hanging on for dear life.
“No, por favor, no. Leave mi perrita alone! I will go if that is what you want.”
“If I want, I can take both of you or I can make a sausage out of this little one.” The brute spoke witha sneer.
“The hell you say,” Troy roared. He settled one hand on the gangster’s shoulder. “Let the dog go.”
He realized then a tug of war could be brutal for the little dog. Her delicate bones were too fine to withstand a lot of rough handling. What’s the best way to get her free without risking any harm? A rush of ideas spun through his mind in the second or two it took the husky Latino to react.