The footage caught him diving for Sean, but where he remembered his hands thrusting Sean out of the way,the video showed something different. In actuality, Emerson’s arms encircled Sean, pulling him into Emerson’s chest. Then they fell sideways and rolled. No wonder Sean was nearly unharmed. It was Emerson who took the brunt of the fall. From this perspective, he did look like a fucking hero.
The news anchor gave more information on Sean, a three-time Grammy-winning pop singer, and how lucky hewas to keep his hands unscathed. With an upcoming tour, the solo star needed both to play his guitar.
After the shock wore off, Emerson grabbed his laptop and googled Sean’s name. Thousands of news articles, interviews, videos, and pictures popped up. The man was a media darling. He’d attended the president’s State Dinner last month. His Twitter account had ten million followers. His songs were played on the radio, on commercials, on television shows.