Their server was suddenly by their table. “Welcome to Starlight,” he said as he put down elegant wine glasses filled with water. “My name is Landa. I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Would you like to start off with a bottle of champagne? Or wine?”
Sean studied the list of beverages of a moment before looking to Emerson. “White wine okay?”
He turned to Landa. “We’ll have a bottle of the Javillier Corton Charlemagne, please.”
“Excellent choice. I’ll give you a few minutes to look over the menu.”
After he left, Emerson finally looked at the menu. He’d been afraid to, knowing the prices would be steep. Sure enough, they were astronomical. He found the wine Sean had ordered and it was nearly $200.
“Don’t worry about the price,” Sean said, apparently reading Emerson’s mind. “Get anything you want. Though I do recommend the sea bass. It’s delicious.”