“I was on the channel in 1977 when rookie Sean Patton went to a domestic call alone. A few minutes later, the kid came on the radio, saying he’d been shot.” Her voice broke. “I was so afraid for him. Isent back up, and he quit talking. I needed to hear he was okay.” She shrugged and wiped tears from her eyes. “I couldn’t stand it if an officer got killed on my shift. He came out of it okay, thanks to his ballistic vest. He’s a rookie sergeant now.”
“They told us that story in the academy.” Dino stood behind her and massaged her neck and shoulders. “You’re like our guardian angels when we’re on the streets. I wonder if we called in and no one answered.”
Norris wandered to the patio. “There you are. I thought you went home with some sexy lass.”
“Naw, just massaging one here.”
Norris eyed Kerri. “Hi, Kerri.” He bent and pecked her cheek, but she grabbed his head and planted a wet one on his lips.