Mal grabbed at his arm just before he got into the truck. “Want me to come along? Darrel just left. I think he took some gas, but we can deal with that later. I’ll come if I can help.”
Dan found himself nodding. “We may need every stout back and strong pair of hands we can muster. That horse weighs about thirteen hundred pounds and he’s down. I think the only way we can bring him home is to manhandle him into the trailer on his side. If we can get a tarp under him…It’s all I can think of right now, iffy though it sounds.”
Mal ran to the other side of the cab and was in with the door shut before Dan had the key in the ignition.Juanita ran out with two big thermoses of coffee, which she handed Mal through the window.
“Gracias,” Dan said. “If the vet gets here, tell him to meet us at the barn. We should be back in an hour or two with the horse.”