Chapter 9

“Ebon, time to wash up for dinner.” Kit rapped sharply on the bedroom door.

“Let me get to a save spot.”

Kit set the bowl of sauce on the table beside the basket of garlic toast. “He’s going to take a good ten minutes. Go ahead and start eating.”

Val sat down and helped herself. “I really mean it about the ‘me’ time, Kit. You need some time to socialize with people your own age for a change.”

“I see plenty of people at the restaurant.” Kit rapped on the door once again. “Five minutes until I throw your dinner out.”

“I’m coming!” As this was accompanied by the lowered volume of the video game, Kit returned to the table to dish up his own meal and Ebon’s.

Val waved a slice of garlic toast in his direction. “Waiting on somebody at work isn’t the same as socializing and you know it. I know plenty of nurses who work overtime and still manage to have a social life. You could do it if you wanted to.”

“Maybe I don’t want to, then. Maybe I’m happy with the way things are.”