Chapter 10

“Why don’t you come here? It looks like you want to.”

Merl’s low voice sounded like a siren song, an irresistible temptation and enticement. Nate barely sensed himself standing, taking one step and then another and third one until he stood in front of the other man, just short of touching him. Then he blurted his own concern. “The real question is, do you want me, too?”

Actually Nate knew the answer already. At least he thought he did, but he needed to hear the words. He hadn’t been with anyone for a long time, only a few times since he’d broken up with his college boyfriend not long after they graduated, right after his folks died. Except for Jon, he’d never brought anyone home, before or since.

He knew his parents hadn’t approved of Jon, but they had made nice and tried to cover up their discomfort the two times Nate had brought him along on holiday breaks. Once they were gone, even though this was now his home and his alone, he couldn’t quite allow himself the privilege.