“You have no idea how envious I am,” said Ned.
Sean looked over. The ghost moved across the Lair and stopped a few feet away from them, hovering several inches above the floor so Ned was about the same height as Dane. Sean could almost believe he was really standing there, if it wasn’t for the fact that for as solid as Ned looked, Sean’s brain still felt like he was seeing through him.
“Burgers,” said Dane at Sean’s confused expression.
“What, this crap?”
“That crap smells wonderful,” said Ned. He folded his arms as Dane ate more obviously. “And fuck you.”
Sean blinked, confused.
“I don’t…”
“What to you is cheap frozen food is something I wish I’d been around to taste,” said Ned, focusing his attention on Sean. It clicked.
“You lived before fast food.”
“And freezers.”
“What’re you here for, Ned?” asked Dane.
Ned drifted back a few feet.
“Met a guy in passing who said you shot him.”