Chapter 2

“Ted, do the same people come in to cover for the regular staff every year at Christmas?”

“I wish!” he replied with a wry smile. “It’s impossible. Seems no one wants to work hard any more, and it’s tough to get any temporary staff let alone the same people two years in a row.”

“Do they stick to the same feeding and turnout routine? And carry out the chores at the same time as youguys?”

Ted looked hurt at this question. “Of course they do! I’m here every day, and make sure they’re punctual and thorough. Why do you ask?”

“Sorry, Ted, I don’t mean to sound accusatory. It’s just that I’m trying to figure out what makes Peppi colic every Christmas while I’m away. I can’t believe that she’s pining for me.”

“Well, it doesn’t help that you’re gone, but I agree that’s unlikely to be the sole reason for it.”

Paula tried hard to think of something specifically to do with Christmas at the barn that might distress her horse.

Of course! The decorations!