It took a lot of discipline to keep the whoop of triumph in his chest when John looked up and grinned, but Jason managed. The smug smile, on the other hand, was impossible to hide.
“Yeah, yeah,” John chuckled. “That’s a great idea.”
“I do have them from time to time,” Jason said.
“Only from time to time,” was John’s response. “Otherwise, you’d have my job.”
Jason hauled him in for a quick, hard press of lips. “I’d have your job if I wanted it,” he returned with a laugh.
“You think so?” John asked and then he was herding Jason along into the open space of the Cupola under them. There was no real way to close it off from the rest of the Station, but when someone wanted privacy, they put up a ‘privacy screen’, basically a pinned up piece of canvas over the entry. John handled that while Jason’s attention went to the windows.