Chapter 9

Justin had, he was pretty sure, worn a smoke-blue vintage Pictsies shirt a time or two. Pioneer punk. Classic.

He started humming, quietly. And then singing, once he’d got the words yanked out of his brain’s storage crates.

No instruments, no backing. No real plan. Flying with it. Himself and his voice and “Here Comes My Man,” and oh it felt right, it felt good, it felt—

Even when he tripped over a verse, even when he started again, he wanted to laugh. Filled up by light. Radiant.

He thought about Justin’s eyes, enormous and enthusiastic and richly textured as holiday treats. About Justin singing along with him, voices mingling and messy and matching, that morning.

“Outside there’s a wind that’s blowing, inside a fire waits for you…” Steve, on the other side of the glass, opened his mouth, shook his head, said nothing and made a go on gesture.