David, upon extended inspection, was also older than Justin: not quite Kris’s own age, but late thirties, heading toward forty, he guessed. This answered at least three questions regarding Justin’sromantic inclinations, two of them promising but at least one in a way that utterly depressed his heart. Justin liked men, and older men; Justin was quite visibly not single.
“Sorry,” Justin apologized once more, pink-cheeked and breathless. His hair was falling over one eye, tumultuous sapphire against cinnabar and acorn-dust. “David is my, um, well, he’s my—”
“Boyfriend,” David cut in smoothly. If Kris’d possessed hackles, they’d be rising. “I brought you tea. I thought you could use a little pick-me-up, seeing as it’s likely to be a stressful day. Your receptionist remembers me.”
Kris looked at his own praline mocha offering. Resisted the urge to hide both coffees behind his back; didn’t know what to do with hands, elderly guitarist hands, holding disposable Witch’s Brew cups.