Chapter 21

Words danced around pizza-crust and scotch and ginger ale. Brightness in glass tumblers, in cardboard boxes, in the flash of Justin’s hands when sketching a point in the air. City lights twinkling beyond windowpanes, green and white and gold. The shiver of shock, not unpleasant, when he got up without thinking and grabbed the old-fashioned acoustic guitar to demonstrate a note sequence and realized that he’d not felt any hesitation at all.

He surreptitiously checked his phone a time or two. The New York Demon was trending on social media. Blurry pictures of a baby clutched in arms, distorted crimson fuzziness. Demons popped in and out of the general populace, of course, and this wasn’t an apocalyptic sighting, but sufficiently unusual to gather some traction. Chatter was happening, though not panic. He opted not to mention it.