Chapter 62

“It would have been, wouldn’t it?” Justin said, unperturbed. His shirt had a fashionable too-large neckline. It drew attention to his collarbone, exposed skin, the grace of his throat.

“Don’t worry,” Eddie said to Kris. “We also have copies of a few different things he wrote about you. Like, there’s the one where he’s supposed to be writing about the band, mostly, for a big top one hundred rock whatever feature, but he gave you your own three paragraphs.”

“He says you have poignant world-weary eyes and a voice that sounds like ragged velvet,” Andy contributed. “It’s like he’s writing poetry for you.”

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing,” Justin said, “but the thing you are doing is not a thing that is helping.”

“I don’t mind,” Kris said. Velvet, he was thinking. And poignant. So much for muscular drummers.