Kris’s mobile phone, forgotten and wanting back into the action, hummed at him. He took it out onehanded; he guessed it’d be Reggie checking in, since he’d not answered the earlier text. And of course Reg would’ve figured it out; they’d discussed Justin, so long ago, joking about unrequited passion and improbable magical resistance to empathic persuasion…
Reggie’s newest text said TELL HIM TO CHECK HIS EMAIL
wtf does that even have to do with anything, Kris sent back. Justin was mid-conversation with his father, listening grimly to ideas about university safe-havens and sanctuary spaces.
Are you seriously cracked do you know what’s going to be in his email right now???
ok fine one sec
Kris waited. Justin either hadn’t noticed or wasn’t prepared to comment on the texting, likely assuming Kris would tell him when ready. Assuming, as ever, the best in people.
ok it’ll be everywhere in a minute but here’s the official link she posted it for you just show him