WebNovelJay Bird16.00%

Chapter 4

I reached for the tea mug and curled my fingers around the warm handle and headed back into the hallway, ambling in the direction of a partially cracked bedroom door.

I rapped lightly and slid the door further open with my free hand, peeking around the jamb at my Grams’ weathered face beaming back at me. She threw up her toothpick thin arms, eyes misty and unwavering, as if I had news that Gramps was alive and well.

“Jay Bird, I waited up for you. I’m so glad to see you. Come here. Give your grandmother a big hug.”

I cringed at my Grams’ pet name for me.

“I apologize for being late,” I said. “I got caught up with a friend.”

“I don’t care what time it is. I’m just so happy to see your young, handsome face.”

I set the mug down on the nightstand beside a collection of high blood pressure pills and prescription bottles.