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Chapter 14

Woozy, eyes swimming in a druggy haze, Nick leaned forward and whispered, “I’m doing you a fucking favor.”

“Yeah? How’s that?”

“Stay away from Rocco. He’s bad news.”

Had Nick been talking to my parents?

I shoved past him and swung the door open. “You don’t know shit about anyone.”

“He’s a murderer.”

They were the last words I heard from Mr. Pot Head before heading down the hall and dashing through the rest of the day with blinders and a nagging feeling that Rocco was in serious trouble.

I had to help my friend before he became the next small-town headline.

* * * *

Being interrogated by my parents was the equivalent of North Korea’s threat to invade the United States. Hearing all week in history class about the warning to the U.S. set me on edge, but nothing felt more real than being grilled by Mom and Dad.

I listened to my father whistling loudly as he ground his coffee in the kitchen.