Chapter 15

In the silence, Keir stared at the phone, puzzled. Look out my window? He slid out of bed, ran down the stairs, and opened the living room blinds.

Oh, my.

Across the street, in the full blazing sun, the door of the condo glowed brilliant, searing chartreuse.The glare off the neon blast of color actually made his eyes water and the image waver. But there was something hypnotic about it. Keir couldn’t stop staring.

He tried hard to share Mrs. P.’s outrage. Very hard. But the bubbling amusement rising in his chest refused to be ignored. A moment later, he doubled over, clutching his sides as gales of laughter rolled through him. Oh, that man—that horrid, horrid man! And if Keir ever stopped laughing, it would be his job to confront Riley and try to rein him in.

Now that was a sobering thought. Just how did one go about approaching a man whose invitations and giftsand overtures of friendship had all been flatly ignored?

A peace offering?