When Dezi gave Rox his drink, he said, “Look, Rox, I don’t want you to worry about this. It’s not yourfault. This has probably been coming for a long time. My dad never approved of my friends. No one was ever good enough for me. But the tables were turned when he tried to take you away from me and you rejected him. What beautiful irony. It’s not something my father is used to. He’s used to being able to twist and bend people to his will. I must say, you were quite a surprise for dear old Dad.” He liftedhis drink to Rox. “I salute you.”
This put a smile on Rox’s face and seemed to draw him out of his doldrums. He lifted his drink in the toast, and then took a sip.
“Hey,” Dezi said. “Why don’t we go out and paint the town red?”
“A celebration? At a time like this?”
“Sure. And then we’ll talk about moving, but since my penthouse apartment is gone, it should be somewhere far away.”
“Moving? But we just moved into this trailer not long ago.”