I hit the mother lode as I dug deeper into the motel’s files. In an extremely well secured one titled ‘Rotunda Contributors’ was a list of over forty men, first names only—with phone numbers. Linked to it was a second list, only accessible if you knew the password. It took me a couple of minutes to find it, but I did. That list held the men’s full names, where they worked, and where they lived, and their phone numbers—two of them, which I figured were home and business. I downloaded both lists and sat back, thinking, while they printed. Then I called Gavin.
“Yeah, what? Do you know what time it is?” Gavin said sleepily when he answered his phone.
“Time for you to wake up and get your brain working.”
“Give me a minute,” he muttered. It took five, but when he got back to me he sounded as if he was awake and aware. “What do you need?” he asked.
“I found what we’re looking for.” I told him about Kyler’s résumé. His response was about the same as mine, that Kyler had been sloppy.