“What if someone cued in Mr. Thorne, my boss, that I’m a ringer?”
“Not happening. You’d be dead before you could get out of there,” Gavin replied, shaking his head.
Lorne was a bit more adamant. “There’s no way in hell we’ll let you set that up. I mean it, Brant. He’s right, they’d kill you the same way they did Kyler.”
“I’m not planning on going out on a tenth-story balcony,” I said with a brief smile. “Besides, the motel is only two stories.”
“That’s not funny,” Lorne muttered.
“I know. Sorry. The thing is, I don’t think they would kill me. Not until they found out who sent me. Idoubt they’d even come after me at the Rotunda. They’d wait and waylay me somewhere else, like on my way back to our motel.”
“I disagree,” Gavin said. “They have the perfect place there to interrogate you, if the kid last night was telling the truth, which I think he was. The suites are soundproof.”