“Hell, President Obama made a campaign promise in 2008 to end it, and Congress has still failed to act.It’s not fair.”
“Hey, let’s forget that for now and focus on this great massage,” Adam said.
Marc patted Adam’s ass, indicating for him to roll over. He did, sporting a boner.
Marc smiled and fondled Adam’s nuts. “Your hair is growing out. I’ll have to trim you this week.”
“Are you going to pretend I’m in the hospital and you’re a nurse?”
“Yeah. I think you’ll be a na?ve, innocent eighteen-year-old. It’ll be your first time in the hospital, and you’ll be lonely and afraid, not able to sleep. I’ll just have to seduce you to help you into slumber land.”
Adam loved their role-playing. Marc massaged the front of Adam’s arms and legs and then swallowed Adam’s cock, using his throat muscles again.
Adam moaned. “What if Autumn comes out?”
Marc paused from servicing Adam’s dick. “She won’t come out. They’ll kick her out of the Navy.”