“Sir, you have more than a cold. Do you have chest pain? Trouble breathing?”
He nodded and went into a coughing frenzy, holding his chest. His stance weakened. The others held him up by the arms. Marc raced for a wheelchair.
The admiral groaned. “What do I have? What can you do?”
Marc helped him into the wheelchair. “I don’t know, Admiral. I’m only a nurse. Dr. Falcone will examine you.” He tried to inject humor. “Whatever it is, we’ll fix it. We’ve never lost an admiral yet and don’t mean to now.” Marc rolled the medical center commander to the most private treatment room, got him undressed, and into a gown. He attached the admiral to monitoring equipment.
Dr. Falcone examined the admiral and ordered blood work, chest X-ray, and a thoracic CT scan. “Admiral, have you had any injuries to your chest or back lately?”