“I hate waiting for the other shoe to drop,” Wynn grumbled as he got dressed the next morning.
“I know exactly how you feel. I hope the bastard finally decides to end his games and get with the program.”
Wynn arched an eyebrow at Mick. “What is it they say about being careful what you wish for?”
“Yeah, I know—you might get it or something like that. But it’s what we both want so we can get back to our real lives again.” Mick rubbed a hand through his hair then muttered to himself that he’d just combed it.
Wynn chuckled. “I like it like that. Makes you look sexy.”
“Yeah, well ‘sexy’ here is going to grab some breakfast and get to work.” Mick headed for the bedroom door, stopped, and came back. “After I warn you to be careful and check in when you get to the studio.”
“You could have done that after we ate you know.”
Mick smiled tightly. “Oh I will.”
And he did, twice, once during breakfast and once before he left, after giving Wynn a toe-curling kiss.