Evan is big enough to allow some minutes before he follows and he sits away from me at the table. As talkgoes around, I offer how I’d gambled and caroused all night in Greenlee.
“Any money left?” asks Virgil.
“Enough,” I return with a laugh.
As others tell of similar experiences, most of which we’d witnessed, there’s laughter, which I welcome, because it allows me to keep an eye on Evan and Jack. What I find by meal’s end is that I’m alone in my concern. Evan chows down, looking innocent, while Jack appears a bit too sure of himself. I scarcely taste my food.
Noble announces that he’s got fresh stock coming in today and will need us to help out. All agree to this and I welcome the diversion. Horses can comfort a man, being mostly good-natured, and the day passes in culling and rebranding.