“There has to be someone else.” I knew there wasn’t, but I had to try. For whatever reason, I felt inadequate around the man, which meant my snarkasm would be on full display in his presence.
“You know there isn’t. Just do this for me, and I promise I will fire Hogan and get someone to take hisplace as soon as possible. This is important. You don’t want our business to fail, do you?”
Why did she always have to play that card? “You owe me,” I mumbled. I finished my coffee in a few gulpswhile walking back to the locker room to get out my other set of backup gear to ride.
* * * *
“I didn’t realize you did courier runs as well, Mr. Havers,” Donal Soames said as he came toward me in the reception area of his office. Today, he wore a black sweater over a gray shirt with black slacks. He was always dressed in severe colors, every time I saw him. It made me wonder if he’d ever heard of pastel.