Chapter 2

“There are also Gulbises on Earth.”

Ott had taken his job because he liked orbiting a completely different planet than his family members. It was extreme, even he would admit, but it worked for him except on those occasions he missed fishing.

Mick didn’t catch Larissa’s comment because the lounge door opened to admit a cute guy. Average height and build, a little bit smaller than Mick, which was just how he liked his men, lush brown hair, and the kind of lips that would look amazing wrapped around…

“Salacia to Mick.”

“Shut up and let the man ogle, Ott. Not my type, but whatever boosts his rocket.” Larissa smirked, pleased with her terrible innuendo.

Ott made the same befuddled face he always made when people started talking about sex. As a self-proclaimed ‘flaming asexual of the aromantic variety’ he never understood Mick and Larissa’s behavior when attractive men visited the station, nor Mick’s delight on the occasions when said attractive men were gay or bi and interested.