“And then remaining amounts slowly pitted and corroded the replacement valve,” finished Masaki, “leading us to our current predicament. It seems like a stretch at first, but it does make a certain amount of sense once you think about it.”
“I’ll take your word for it and be thankful we didn’t blow through both valves in the Kuiper Belt.” There was a chilling thought. When it came to death Kevin would prefer to delay his own for forty or fifty years, and anyway there was something particularly depressing about asphyxiating in space.
“That is fortunate,” agreed Heather. “Plus I hear the station is glad to have you here during their computer issues.”
“I hope the issues are over now.”
The ship’s intercom chimed ahead of their commander’s voice. “Heather, Masaki?”
“Here. What’s up?”
“If you see Kevin, will you let him know he’s wanted on the bridge?”