“Better?” Wes asked eventually. “Feel more centered and focused now?”
I nodded. Then I sat back a little so I could see his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and tucked my fingers down the collar of his dress shirt, not wanting to lose too much contact with his skin. “Yes, thank you.”
“First things first,” Wes said, his voice all business and his face serious. “Are we bonded?”
I sucked in a breath, surprised he’d made that leap. But he had to know that we weren’t. If we’d made a bond, even an unintentional one, he would feel the pull as much as I did. “Of course not.”
He nodded, like that was the answer he expected. “But you feel better when you’re touching me? When you can pull on my magic to augment your own?”
I released a sigh, and couldn’t quite stop myself from snuggling a tiny bit closer. I shrugged one shoulder. “Yes. Like I said, your magic fits with mine. So it’s easy and natural to use you as a source. I’m sorry about that.”