Wes groaned like he’d heard this before. “It was barely two weeks ago that we met, Mom. Give me a break.”
“That’s still weeks. Plural. Get up, you big goof. I can’t do this if you’re plastered to his side.”
I decided I really liked Lavinia. She crossed the room as soon as Wes had risen and moved away. She stoodin front of me for a long moment before she handed me the rolled-up paper.
I eyed it dubiously. “You want me to smoke it?”
She laughed, a good sound, deep and from her gut. It made me smile, too. “You’re right, Westcott. He is funny.” Then she dropped her attention to me, and her gaze went from amused to affectionate. “I’m going to light it, say a little spell, and that will reveal what’s at the root of your problem. Okay?”