Chapter 7

“Okay. One more kiss?”

They fall into another kiss, and this time it’s Jamie who calls a stop to it, standing up and offering his hand to help Chris up. They walk back to the party hand in hand and sit by the fire together, drinking beer in the warm glow.


Sitting on the edge of his bed, Jamie can’t help watching Chris pull a fresh T-shirt on. It’s been three days since their first kiss, and they’ve been going slow. Jamie is getting a little frustrated by his own suggestion to take things slow. Sharing a room with Chris is probably the biggest test of self-control Jamie has ever had.

“Like what you see?” Chris asks with a cheeky smile as he flexes his muscles. It feels so good to be teased by Chris. He’s not mean with it to anybody. Even people he doesn’t like, he’s not cruel to. He’s the opposite of the football types Jamie had grown used to.

Jamie smiles. “What do you think? But I’m not stroking your ego.”