“I think my ex took my phone.”
“You’ll borrow mine then. I bet you have a ton of phone calls to make. And while you do, I’ll go home and put together some supper. Come over in an hour?” She dug into her pocket and handed me her phone.
Damn. Why couldn’t she be a guy?
“Your phone looks just like mine. I really appreciate this.”
I went back in the house to where I had an old-fashioned paper spreadsheet of my important phone numbers, got busy, and spent almost that whole hour making calls. When I went over to her place, she had cooked steaks and sweet potatoes and let me whine and grumble and sniffle. Plus, she offered to take me to the airport tomorrow and to take care of my cat. I couldn’t have been more blessed (other than the whole she’s a girl thing.)
Merry and gay. It was kind of cute.
* * * *