Chapter 5

How can I not wonder?

* * * *

Ira’s not in my apartment when I get home. He leaves a note for me on the table.

“Fucking Lou tonight. He’s begging for it. The guy can’t get enough of me. Wants to ride my dick like a cowboy. I’ll let him. Maybe you and I can get some bro-time in tomorrow evening and play some video games? I’m free. Let me know.”

It’s no longer a nice evening. Two windows are open inside the apartment, and the April wind glides offthe Allegheny and blows inwards. The wind is chilly. Fresh thunder booms in the distance, coming to the city for a short visit. I eat a low-calorie frozen dinner and think about going to Pumpers Gym for an hour-long workout. Instead, I jump on my laptop and the semen-smelling sofa (thanks to Ira) and do something I told myself I would not do: homework on Waverly Yorkshire.

Just as Ira has said, it’s easy to find details on Wave, mostly because of his odd name.