Chapter 10

Wave handles the awkward situation with grace and tells my aunt, “He’s special to me. We’ll see if I become special to him.”

I introduce Aunt Ruby to Wave. Wave shakes her hand, being polite and says, “A pleasure to meet you, Lady Ruby.”

“It’s more of a pleasure for me, stud,” Aunt Ruby admits. She looks up at Wave’s handsome face and grins. As if on cue, she lowers her gaze to Wave’s center. “You look like Thor. I bet you have a big hammer in your pants, and I bet you know how to use that hammer, too.”

Because of her comment, completely caught off guard, I accidentally bump my right elbow against my drink on the table, and it makes a liquid mess.

Our waitress, a Miley Cyrus look-alike, is nearby and comes to my rescue. She squeaks past a hulking Wave and begins to clean up the spill.

Aunt Ruby tells Wave, “Look what you made my nephew do. He’s so excited to see all of your muscles, he spilled his drink.”