Chapter 15

* * * *

That night, Wave bumps into me at The Hoffstetter Inn. We rent Room 219 again until the next morning.

The sex with him gives me a special super power I don’t understand and probably never will.

I want him to tell me more secrets about his life.

He does. Just a few. He likes cats. He chooses summer over winter. He’s always had a thing for French men. His favorite food to eat are fish sticks.

The details seem so unimportant, though.

I don’t complain.

* * * *

A day goes by. Two days.

During the middle of third day without him, I determine that Waverly Yorkshire somewhat breaks me. The thought of him eats at me and bothers my core regarding his mysteriousness. I like him as a man, particularly in bed, particularly his bulkiness, but I’m not sure I will ever fully understand him, orsee him long-term, unless he continues to open up to me and share more of his secrets with me.