“Well…if it’s not…Why mention my being…”
Not for the first time, Richard broke off. Did the man always struggle to complete sentences? Yes, if Ethan wasn’t mistaken. Many habits, patterns of behaviour, were best broken. “You’re gay. Get used to the idea.”
“I am.” Colour rode Richard’s cheekbones once more but this time the cause seemed to be anger. “I’m not a…a virgin.”
A familiar amusement washed back in. Why did Richard always do this to him? Make Ethan’s emotions blow fierce and freezing? “Fine. Bully for you. Who was the lucky man?”
“Fuck you.”
“I wish…” Perfect opening and he froze, chewing on a lip, annoyed with his resistance. Now or never. An apt and true cliché. Ethan fought to free his jaw. “I wish you would.”
* * * *
Something must be wrong with his ears. Rich needed to swallow before he managed to speak and still the words whispered out. “What did you say?”
“I said I wish you would. Fuck me.”