Ruby Gardener eyed her son, her expression questioning.
Please don’t ask. Rich sent up a silent prayer for her not to voice the most obvious enquiry—he could give no realistic explanation why he was outside minus a jacket on such an arctic morning. He breathed easier when she glanced at her wristwatch, more concerned with time.
“I’m going out.”
The coat, and handbag gave the fact away, but Rich took his mother’s cue and asked no questions.
“I’ll be out most of the day.” She gave him another stare, this one more reflective, while tugging onher gloves as though they offended her. “Please find something to do with yourself.” The tone impliedhe did nothing. Wasted his life.
“I have meetings next week.”
“Of course you do. So…prepare for them?” The lilt of her voice changed the suggestion into a question, without disguising the insult.