“You are no closer to your sister than I am.”
“That’s…” He stopped. Though he wanted to, telling his mother the truth wouldn’t be in his or Sapphire’s best interest. “Maybe true. If it is, I’m sorry for it. I am. And no, I can’t read her mind, and she won’t like the idea of my speaking for her, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s late every time because she’s working up the courage to put in an appearance.”
He deliberately gazed around the kitchen. “Now, as there appears to be no plans for dinner, I suggest we do our own thing for today. I opt to eat out.”
He hated leaving his mother alone again, but she made it difficult to be near her, and when not reading documents related to work, for the last few days all he’d done was to potter around the house or shag the gardener. He needed time off the estate.
* * * *