When he pushed Richard back on the bed, he couldn’t help thinking how Richard looked so lovely a littlemore messed, and tired. This time, he held Richard’s attention.
The less distracted gaze revealed such beautiful eyes. Clear, innocent, questioning. Crystalline. A frozen pool with many colours. Ethan traced a small scar on one of Richard’s shoulders. Where had that come from? Otherwise, Richard’s skin…unblemished, not a single callous. Smooth. Perfect. Annoyed with the differences of their bodies, Ethan’s imposed by gardening, still he wanted to savour. Lean. Muscled enough. Should he keep resenting or give thanks? A blessing came by way of a gasp from Richard’s lips as Ethan caressed him. He curbed his answering smile, taking pleasure from his ability to affect Richard.
Didn’t take much for Richard’s nipples to react, or for the man to try to flinch away when Ethan focused on them.