“Do you believe I never loved him? That I don’t love you? We always loved both of you but it doesn’t mean you’re easy to get along with. We can admire our parents’ attributes while acknowledging their flaws. Yes, Mother. You have flaws.” Sapphire spoke as though Ruby Gardener attempted to interrupt, though the outburst appeared to have stolen her tongue. “We all do. We’re human. At least some of us are. You do make me wonder sometimes.”
“Saffie.” Rich’s admonishment came as a quiet plea.
“Saffie?” His mother stared at him. “What is this Saffie? Rich. Saffie.” She shook her head. “I gave you both perfectly good names, so if we’re going to discuss flaws better look closer to where you’re sitting.”
“Abbreviating one’s name is hardly a blemish on one’s soul.”
“It’s a character deficit.” Their mother sniffed before taking a few sips of wine.
“We’re off topic.” If Rich knew his mother, it was what she hoped for.