“When I placed my father in a home, I ended up trying to see him as much as possible, as well as working here…and I took a part-time job, cutting local lawns, washing windows, whatever I could. Not gonna kidyou, it made everything harder. Between working and visiting him, there wasn’t any time for anything but sleep. I was exhausted.”
Now Richard’s frown blossomed but he sat silent, waiting, for which Ethan was grateful.
“On the day, before all that happened, when the sky grew so dark it looked like some kind of looming apocalypse, I came up to the house, hoping to see your father, unaware he’d been called away on urgent business. Your mother was here.”
He’d drained half the whisky and had better slow down or he’d ask for another. Despite the resolution, he acquired a sudden need to clear his throat so sipped.