She turned and at last he saw her face. Her lower lip quivered and she looked uncertain. She was suddenly an old woman grieving for the man she loved, and Ethan knew too much about grief.
“I know what you’re feeling too well. I don’t wish that on you. And for one reason…no, two. Maybe I wouldn’t be so big-hearted if I didn’t know my father would disapprove. He’d have harboured you no ill-will but I couldn’t tell him you denied him help.”
“And the second?”
“Because Richard loves you.” Maybe Richard didn’t always like his mother but in too many relationships the two emotions didn’t always manage to go hand in hand. “He wouldn’t want me to feel that way. He wouldn’t want it to haunt me.”
Ethan wasn’t going to spend his days letting the pain of what this woman had done fester and turn him bitter. “I’ve let it go. I suggest you do the same.”
“You told Richard.” She sounded scared rather than accusing.